So Jim and I decided to go to dinner and a movie Wednesday night because we desperately needed to go on a date. There was no food in our house and I was so hungry. Applebees sounded so good to me, so I made Jim drive us to Orem so I could have their Chicken Fajita Rollup. Well we walk in and I realize that I'm gonna barf and I have about 5 seconds to get to a bathroom. I run to the restroom - ONLY 2 STALLS!
Luckily, there was one vacant, but I felt bad for the woman who was in the other one because she had no idea what she was going to hear from my stall. I thought I would be nice and give her a warning. This is what happened.
Me: Whoever you are in the other stall, I just want to let you know I'm pregnant and you're going to be hearing some pretty bad sounds here in a couple seconds..........BLAHHHHHHH!
Other Stall Woman: Oh honey, I've been there before. You just go on ahead.
Me: Agggggghhhhhhh, aghhhhhhhh (those are some vicious gagging sounds)
Other Stall Woman: Yes, I remember when I was pregnant. It was horrible........
Me: Bwahhhhhhhhh (continuing to puke) . In my head, I was thinking, "Woman, shut up!"
Other Stall Woman: I don't know why people say they like being pregnant. I think people who say that are crazy.....
Me: Splatter!! ( i thought i was done puking, so I was about to leave the stall, but realized that my job wasn't finished yet. I did a quick pivot to the toilet, but was a little off.)
Other Stall Woman: Oh dear. (Disgusted with the little present I left her on the floor)
Me: I'm so sorry.
Other Stall Woman: .........................
Yes, the woman just quit talking and left! Awkward moment. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave the restroom because I was so embarrassed. I also felt really bad that the lady had to listen to me disgorge what was in my stomach (and see a little bit of it too.) BUT COME ON! Who tries to put on a conversation with someone who is puking up a storm?!
Finally, I made the decision to leave the bathroom and go sit with my husband. He was nice enough to order what I wanted while I was gone. So the food came shortly after and I took one look at it and decided that I no longer wanted it. Poor Jim. He was a good sport about it though and we had fun anyway!
Sorry, this was a really gross story, but I have nothing else to share.
I love your puking stories! You always puke in the best public places. Drive-thru's, Applebees...which begs the question: Why do you go to restaurants when you're pregnant and vomiting???
Been there! I've never puked in a resturant but I was driving home from Walgreens, only 2 minutes from my house, and right in the middle of the intersection, I puked all over myself. There was nothing I could do. I tried so hard to keep everything down, but it just kept coming all the way home,and there was no where to pull over. Of course as soon as I got home, I was done. I know gross story but I just thought I would share with you. Isn't being pregnant fun!?!?!
That was such a funny story, probably because I know what it's like to be pregnant. Hang in there!
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