In case you are wondering, this is a picture I found online of a baby six weeks in the womb.This pic is about what He or She is like inside of me. Yes, Jim and I are pregnant again! Quite a surprise!!! I found out yesterday and about died. I called Jim balling on the phone.He, on the other hand was thrilled. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited, but not looking forward to the nausea. Oh well. I guess that is life. :) Who knew we would have 2 kids under 2 years of age?! Yikes!!!!
OH MY GOSH! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!! You'll have 2 now and I don't even have one! Sad story here, that's ok someday. Michael and I will be in Utah on July 3-8. Somewhere between there we should meet up. I can't wait to see you guys!
I read your quote of the day on Jenna's blog and laughed out loud! Go ahead, Beth, eat the whole world. You can throw it all up later!!! LYMI
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